Dr. Manish Chinia

What is CBD Stone?
Gallstones that get stuck in the bile duct are known as bile duct stones. Choledocholithiasis
is one name for this illness that doctors may use.
The prevalence of common bile duct (CBD) stones in people with gallstones ranges from 10
to 20%. Serious side effects include acute pancreatitis, acute suppurative cholangitis, and
obstructive jaundice are also linked to this.

What are stones in the bile ducts?
Gallstones can develop in the gallbladder in some persons. An estimated 10% of females
and 7% of males are thought to be affected by gallstones, which are frequently formed of
cholesterol. American source with a good reputation
Gallstones frequently go unnoticed by sufferers, but when they migrate or enlarge, they can
be quite painful.

Some gallstones travel in the direction of the bile duct, which joins the liver and gallbladder
to the small intestine. Sometimes the body may easily remove these stones. However,
occasionally they may get obstructed, which would indicate the presence of bile duct stones.

Bile duct stone symptoms
Until a stone blocks the bile duct, there are frequently no signs of bile duct stones. then,
these signs may appear
➢ terrible stomach pain (can occur irregularly and last for hours at a time)
➢ Vomiting
➢ Nauseous
➢ Feverish
➢ Jaundice

Bile duct stone causes
Bile duct stones can form in anyone’s gallbladder due to gallstones. However, some
social groupings are more exposed than others. They consist of the following, to
name a few:
➢ have a history of gallstones in your family
➢ Are woman
➢ are older than 60 years old
➢ are pregnant
➢ to be obese
➢ High fat diet
➢ sedentary kind of life

Diagnosing of bile duct stones
Usually, a doctor can determine whether bile duct stones are a possibility based
on a patient’s symptoms. The following examinations can eliminate other
probable causes and assist the clinician in making the diagnosis:
➢ assessment of medical history, mentioning any current symptoms
➢ blood tests to check for indicators of liver or pancreatic inflammation
➢ examination during which a doctor may press on the abdomen to identify
tender areas.

Treating bile duct stones

➢ It’s crucial to keep a patient as stable as possible before surgery. A doctor
could suggest other therapies like:
➢ fluids given intravenously for pancreatitis
➢ pain medication
➢ Antibiotics
➢ hospital surveillance to determine whether the patient is stable enough for


Gallstones in the common bile duct (CBD) are referred to as common bile
duct stones or choledocholithiasis (thus choledocho- + lithiasis). Damage
to liver cells and jaundice may result from this disorder.
Choledocholithotomy and endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography are two treatments (ERCP).